16 June 2009
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)
Reprinted from "Wheels on the Road" Magazine
“The Twilight Zone”
Greetings fellow Americans, here we are for another monthly installment of our political assessment. This month’s title is appropriate because Rod Serling could not have written this script any better. Everyday we wake up and have to ask ourselves, “Are we in some kinda parallel universe”? Actually Serling had an episode which fits appropriately.
Therefore I googled up what has to be my favorite Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man”. Here is the synopsis of the episode, which was available upon search.
“A race of aliens known as the Kanamits, they were tall, land on earth and promise to be nothing but helpful to the cause of humanity. Initially wary of the intentions of such a highly advanced race even the most skeptical humans are convinced when their code-breakers begin to translate one of the Kanamit’s books with the seemingly innocuous title, “To Serve Man”.
Sharing their advanced technology, the aliens quickly solve all of the Earth’s greatest woes, eradicating hunger, disease, and the need for welfare. Soon humans are volunteering for trips to the Kanamits’ home planet, which is supposedly a paradise.
All is not well, however, when a code-breaker discovers the Kanamits’ true intentions: Their book, “To Serve Man”, is a cookbook, and all their gifts were simply to make humanity complacent, much like fattening pigs or cows before they are slaughtered.”
Here we are today and the Kanamits are the far left liberals and their book is “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky.
How many people mindlessly followed, ok, well, I will not call him an alien, Obama’s empty rhetoric of “change and hope”? How many were hypnotized by the promises of everything being taken care of and the seas rising.
They just boarded that spaceship while others where telling them, beware. Now we are hearing people state, this is not what I voted for, too late, you have been served up on a plate.
One of the groups which is now trying to jump from the Obama spaceship is the Jewish community who voted about 78% as a block. All the while the American Jewish community was being told about associations with Louis Farrakhan, Rev Jeremiah Wright, and Khalid Rashidi. There were those warning them to read his book, “Dreams of my Father” where Obama said he would, “stand with his muslim brothers”. What did we hear back from the mindless lemmings? Obama loves Israel. Obama will not betray Israel.
My response, “To serve Israel”.
Another group which wholeheartedly drank the kool aid to the tune of 97% was my own black community. I cannot tell you how many times I had deep discussions with family and friends about the 2008 Presidential elections. It would always end up with something like this, “Allen, you just hate him and I don’t care about those issues. I want a black president.” Well, they certainly indeed have a bi-racial muslim raised President of whom they can now attribute a burgeoning national unemployment rate of 9.4%, which is probably doubled in the inner city black community.
And will Obama do anything about illegal immigration which denies the black community jobs, and depresses wages?
My response, “To serve Blacks”.
I remember election night when Obama was declared victor, kind of goes along with the whole imperial Caesar image. On that night people stood in awe, similar to watching the Kanamits.
Obama made a statement which echoes in my mind, “Chicago is coming to Washington DC”. Well, it certainly has and all the corruption and coercive practices was in tow. We have seen a private sector CEO fired. Banks have been strong armed to not only take government funding but to also not repay TARP funds received. We have seen the greatest automobile manufacturer in the world brought to its knees, now owned by the government and unions.
Our healthcare is now the new target and the remedy is not to have solutions driven by medical professionals, just more government intervention. It will cost over $1Trillion and we have no idea as to how this will be paid for....here is a bet, rationing and higher taxes. But, everyone will have healthcare, no woes.
We have 16-19 “Czars” who are unconstitutionally placed in positions to dictate and influence National policy but only answer to our imperial fearful leader. There is no Congressional oversight and these Czars are above the appointed Cabinet positions. In essence, Chicago came to the White House and has created a shadow government.
I watched this President deliver a speech before a university in Cairo (not Georgia where the syrup is made) Egypt loaded with historical inaccuracies. It was a speech which, again, made a point of apologizing for America and appeasing the vilest of enemies with whom we are embroiled in global combat operations.
This President recently was “outraged” at the shooting death of an abortion doctor in Kansas, who had performed countless late term procedures. I do not condone this murder, but when contrasted against the death of Army PFC William Long, I am outraged.
Private Long was killed by a converted jihadist from Memphis Tn originally named Carlos Bledsoe. This fella had somehow secured a Somali passport, attended a Yemeni terrorist training camp, and returned to America where his goal was to kill American Soldiers. Furthermore, a laptop confiscated from this homegrown terrorist had a target list of churches and synagogues.
Our President boarded a plane to Egypt, gave another worthless speech, and then some 72 hours after the shooting delivered a statement where he was, “saddened”.
We have two American journalists sentenced to 12 years hard labor in a Country which has been testing missiles and underground nuclear weapons. We are now implementing a policy of reading Miranda rights to captured terrorists. We now are giving released detainees taxpayer dollars to “start anew” and have great new lives in resort locations like, Bermuda.
My response, “To serve America”.
Now, I could go on and talk about a quadruped debt, and remember this has all occurred in 5 months….Katie bar the Door!
What makes all this even more despicable is the complicity of a media that has become nothing more than cheerleaders. Once upon a time there was honor and integrity in the news, now it is nothing more than manipulated propaganda. Heck, ABC is about to broadcast a news segment, one hour, from the White House.
The media is simply seasoning us for the modern day Kanamits, the liberal socialists.
Who will make a stand for the American people? All I see are bloggers, talk radio hosts, Fox News, and concerned American citizens being alerted, they broke the code and found the cookbook.
This is the closing narration from the episode, “The recollections of one Michael Chambers, with appropriate flashbacks and soliloquy. Or more simply stated, the evolution of man, the cycle of going from dust to dessert, the metamorphosis from being the ruler of a planet to an ingredient in someone’s soup. It’s tonight’s bill of fare from the Twilight Zone”.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, don’t look into the light, stop following the Kanamits, unless you wish to be “served”.
Steadfast and Loyal,
LTC(R) A B West
Thursday, June 25, 2009
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