Friday, April 3, 2009

Post Election 2008 Notes

originally written: November 15, 2008

Post-election America may be issuing a sigh of relief—the hype is over, the ads, the constant chatter. For many military voters, the 2008 election was just another sham. Rhetoric, and lip service was paid to counting the military vote, but hundreds, if not thousands of military votes AGAIN went uncounted. For Count US In, a non-partisan, non-profit organization vested in educating and facilitating the military vote, our fight continues—AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!The bottom line, for the military voter, 2008 was no better than 2004—or post World War II. We are still mired in the untimely U.S. Postal Service in trying to communicate with continents around the world--on ballot requests, voting materials and returned ballots. If it wasn’t so sad, it would be comical. AND YOU CAN HELP!
Ballots lie uncounted in Virginia, Ohio and Hawaii—and who knows where else? The election offices defend their laws, but they defy the very laws that protect the military voters—those who are stationed around the world, fighting for the right to vote for others. AND THEY NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

National Defense Committee continues to work on the state and federal levels to change the bureaucratic systems that move slowly and laboriously in the face of change. The fight is noble, but the progress slow and Count US In seeks to be a catalyst for change NOW! AND WE NEED YOUR DOLLARS!

We need to reach out to the troops stationed here in bases across the country, to those around the world defending this country, to their families and friends who support their service and to the veterans who have paid their own dues in defense of the USA. NOW IT IS OUR TURN—AND WE NEED YOU TO JOIN US!

Count US In needs your donations TODAY so we can gear up for the fight ahead in 2010. Our outreach relies on your foresight and dollars so we can keep our team bringing in the pertinent resources, answering the needs of the military voters and providing the news and information to assist them in their efforts to vote.

Let’s not let another election pass without our military’s voice being heard. SEND YOU DONATIONS NOW—WHATEVER YOU CAN SPARE—TO LET THE U.S. TROOPS KNOW THAT YOU CARE THAT THEIR VOICE IS HEARD. LET US COUNT YOU IN!

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